Saturday, May 1, 2010

Settling In

I'm sitting outside the center constantly these days because I'm not melting yet. It has actually been windy and rainy, which is very much appreciated. It's chilly enough that I've had hot chocolate after almost every meal -- I should probably break that habit.
Every city is better at night. A few of us sat on the lawn for a while last night, totally loving the fact that we were talking about something besides where we're from, what we're studying, or why we came to Jerusalem. I've banned myself from asking these questions, Judd and I have found creative alternatives. We've also become the unofficial dance party co-chairs, last night was our successful kick-off.
We walked around the Old City for a few hours after classes on Friday, our first free time. The place causes total sensory overload, I LOVE walking through markets and smelling something different with every few steps.
The roof of an Austrian Hospice gave us a great view of the Old City, I want to be good with directions more than ever right now. I'll get it, I'll get it.
Scott bonded with some of the cute kids that are everywhere. They want to guide you anywhere, then they say "5 shekels, 5 shekels!" Luckily they gave Scott high fives for free.

Seeing kids playing in the streets here gives me a whole new perspective on the country I've read so much about. They're growing up in the middle of so much conflict, but they just laugh and play in the same way as every other kid.

Mom, there are guns in the picture below. Don't say I didn't warn you.


  1. Oh my goodness. Reading your thoughts and seeing your pictures make me so happy--remembering it all. Keep soaking it in!

  2. My dad would love the "armed to the hilt" picture. I think it is long as there are no shots fired in your directions.
